Flag: Tornado!
Using the CMPXCHG8B with the LOCK Prefix |
Debugging |
halsten |
July 11 2007 |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Author: halsten
; E-mail: halsten [at] gmail [dot] com
; Website: http://iamhalsten.thecoderblogs.com/
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
model flat
include w32.inc
extrn SetUnhandledExceptionFilter :PROC
szMsgTitle db "CMPXCHG8B instruction usage with the LOCK prefix", 00h
szDebuggerFound db "Program doesn't run properly, it has been changed while running!", 00h
szDebuggerNotFound db "SEH service was called (OK)", 00h
DelayESP dd 0
PreviousSEH dd 0
EntryPoint PROC
mov [DelayESP],esp
push offset @@Error
call SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
mov [PreviousSEH], eax
db 0F0h, 0F0h, 0C7h, 0C8h
jmp @@DebuggerFound
push dword ptr [PreviousSEH]
call SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
push 0
push offset szMsgTitle
push offset szDebuggerNotFound
push 0
call MessageBoxA
push -1
call ExitProcess
push 0
push offset szMsgTitle
push offset szDebuggerFound
push 0
call MessageBoxA
push -1
call ExitProcess
mov esp, [DelayESP]
push offset @@DebuggerNotFound
EntryPoint ENDP
end EntryPoint
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